Technopreneurs' Portal

We would like to develop an Internet Portal to link scientist and engineers to entrepreneurs and SMEs. The Philippine S&T community is poor due to the relatively low scientists-to-population ratio. However, there are exceptional Filipino scientists and engineers but they are hidden in research laboratories both in the Philippines and abroad. This project aims to identify those scientists and engineers and to seek their help in developing Local Companies and Industries.

The project will have three main components: a network of technology developers, a network of technology user and a system to bridge them and sustain the transfer of technology.

The network of technology developers consist of mostly scientists, engineers and technology managers from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines which is the premier university of country. Other experts and scientist in industry, both here and abroad, will supplement this pool of experts.

The network of technology users is composed of local companies, industries and Non-Government Organizations.

The Technopreneurs’ Portal aims to bridge the knowledge gap between the technology developers and the technology users. Being a public portal, it will let technology users know that there are many technologies being developed in local R&D institutions and there are many scientist and engineers doing and is capable to world-class research. It will also be a venue for letting technologists know that the industrial sectors has many technology needs that they could address.

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